Dedicated Club Facebook Groups
Eagles are a diverse group of people with different interests and targets in addition to the basic Eagles wanting to run so we have set up some dedicated facebook groups for those who want to share discussion on their area of particular interest.
If your group isn’t particularly active at the moment and you want something to happen, think about what you might post to encourage community within the group – please remember that we are all volunteers so it’s not any particular person’s role to keep things active.
to encourage people to keep running after they have completed a couch to 5k or other beginners' programme with the possibility of a target 10k race (perhaps Eagles 10k or Osterley 10k)
Ealing Half Marathon
Ealing Eagles EHM 2023 is the group for Eagles wanting to train for Ealing Half Marathon
For your non-Eagles friends who want some input to train for Ealing Half Marathon, we have set up a separate facebook group which you are welcome to join as well Training for Ealing Half Marathon 2023
Marathon Training (for members of Ealing Eagles Running Club)
as the name implies, for people training for marathons to discuss all things relevant.
for Eagles to discuss anything relevant to running for more than 26.2miles / 42.2k
- to encourage Eagles to go to track races (as opposed to club training sessions at track which are discussed in the main Eagles facebook group)
Ealing Eagles Triathlon/Duathlon Training Group
for Eagles who are looking to get wet and speed along on two wheels as well as two legs
Ealing Eagles CIRF, LIRF coaches and leaders
a central place for the club's coaches and run leaders to communicate, including Eagles that are already - or interested in becoming - a Leader/ Coach in Running Fitness (LiRF/CiRF), Coaching Assistant or other qualified run leader.
Volunteers (Ealing Eagles Beginners’ Programme)
For people available and willing to volunteer with the successful beginners’ programme with sessions on Wednesdays at 6.30pm and Thursdays at 10am – next programme currently planned to start after Ealing Half Marathon 2023 (24 Sep 23)
for Eagles returning to running after injury (interest varies but we can restart this group if anyone wants to have a separate place for mutual support
for Eagles who are pregnant/have given birth to chat, share ideas and support each other about all things running-related.