Summer League
The Summer League is a competition between eight London running clubs. You can find the full information on the Summer League website:
Ealing Eagles
Dulwich Park Runners
Ealing, Southall & Middlesex
Mornington Chasers
Serpentine RC
Sudbury Court
Queens Park Harriers
2032 Events
The 2023 Summer League dates are:
Headstone Manor (Harrow) 5miles Sunday 18 June
Perivale Park (Eagles / ESM home fixture) 5 miles Sunday 2 July
Dulwich Park 5 miles: Sunday 9 July
Regents Park 10k: Sunday 30 July
Battersea Park 10k: Sunday 13 August
The main race at each event is either a 5 mile or 10km run, which covers all standards. Following this, there is a "tenderfoot" (1.5-2km) run which is suitable for children, runners returning from injury and runners who prefer a shorter distance. Finally, there is a series of optional, age-graded, 300-400m relays, suitable for all ages and abilities.
While there is no official registration for these events it is hugely helpful to our race coordinator Nils and club captains Robert and Anna to know who is running as it makes collating results much quicker. We will be setting up the sign-up spreadsheet in May where you can indicate which races you are likely to attend. Details for Eagles who have run in previous years may already be included.
Runners are encouraged to wear their club kit. If you do not have an Eagles vest yet, the Piers Express available via the website provides very quick service. You must be a member of your club to be included in the scoring.
Trophies are awarded at the end of the year for individuals in their age categories based on their best three performances in the five races.
After winning the 2021 League ahead of Queen’s Park Harriers in second place, Ealing Eagles were narrowly beaten into second place by Queen’s Park Harriers in 2022.