Settling into the Training!

Terena writes:

Another two weeks gone; another two weeks closer to the big day!  

It’s been tough going with work and life putting added pressure on to my already hectic schedule – fitting in 4 sessions a week is definitely taking its toll!  The week before last, was particularly tough and by the end of it I could barely remember my name.  Somehow, I had to pull off a 15-mile run!  

But I’m jumping ahead of myself; first, I must tell you all about my new shoes!  How do you choose yours?   Brand? Colour? Marketing promises made? Recommendations?  Me – well I choose shoes, it seems, based on overheard conversations … 

I was several pairs in, none were calling to me and thought I might end up walking out of Up and Running empty handed!  Another customer was being served next to me who exclaimed:

“It’s like putting your feet to bed!”

“Them – I want them,” I said to the lady serving me!  

And you know what … it did feel like I was putting my feet to bed!  As it turned out, they were my brand and a neutral shoe which is just right for me.  So out of the shop I bounced, depositing my old ones in the recycling box whilst admiring my new Asics Gel Nimbus 25s and promptly refused to take them down to the tow path insisting instead, we run home the ‘clean’ way!  I’m also keen not to wear out the bounce, so for now, they’re staying indoors.  I’ll make sure I’ll get a few long runs done in them to check for rub points and general comfort!

Shiny new shoes!

Back to that 15 miler!  Like I’d mentioned, the week had been busy – not least of which included taking 50 year 6 kids to Young Voices at the O2 – and my body battery, according to Garmin, declared a pitiful 27% by the end of Friday!  It was going to be tough.  My order of preferred gels (Veloforte Doppio, maple, coffee & guarana) had arrived and as I wanted to get going with my fuelling options, I packed 4 to come with me.  After lots of reading and chatting with my PT, who is also a nutritionist, I’m planning on taking on 40g of carbs an hour; that’s approximately one gel every 30/40 minutes - seems crazy!  The run started out ok – nice slow pace and headed out to Osterley then on down to Twickenham en route to Crane Park.  Of course, you can’t run past Twickenham without stopping off at the statue for a photo shoot!

Me, saving Kelli and David taking on a hard boot!

So, we had some laughs on the run; taking on the gels went ok, and I worked my way through a bottle of electrolyte drink! At mile 14 I was done, but it’s always that last hard mile that shows you what you can do when you have to dig deep!  The toughest mile of the marathon could be the last mile so it’s all good practice!  Also, I really wanted a coffee and Kelli was making so that also got me through the last mile!  Pace was pretty much spot on for my long run and I was thrilled that I’d reached my longest run since Manchester Marathon back in October 2021 – over two years!  Two days of rest and I was back at track, more S&C sessions, a few shorter runs, and another 15-miler in the bag this weekend just gone.  I’m feeling the benefits of the S&C sessions and can feel my core holding up for longer.  

Half term this coming week, so I’m looking forward to being able to get my runs in during daylight hours.  Hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to recharge my body battery with some lazy days and lie-ins! 

Right, that’s it for now but just before I go a quick shout out for The Green Belt Relay! Having been given the honour of captaining a team this year, which I am super excited about, I want to remind you to sign up here  to get yourself on one our 3 teams.  If you don’t know what it is, although I can’t imagine that’s the case, you can read about it here.  It’s the best fun you’ll have all year bar cheering me at Mile 23!

Take care, be safe and enjoy your running!