Coach-led sessions 7 to 17 June

As the coaching team considers what sessions we are hoping to offer when restrictions are relaxed, we want to encourage Eagles to return to the previous norm of coach-led sessions on Tuesdays and Thursdays evenings and some Mondays at 10 am. We are consulting with the Covid-19 team and the Committee and hope to be able to open booking on sessions, including pilot sessions where necessary, on Thursday 3 June.

We have also modified our Eventbrite arrangements so that all coaches can access the attendee lists themselves allowing Eagles to book closer to the time of the session subject to availability.

And a reminder of the arrangements

Please read the instructions

Ealing Eagles is normally a very sociable running club with an informal and relaxed approach to our training but we know many members have missed being able to train together during lockdown. The Eagles Coaches and the Committee have worked behind the scenes to see what we might be able to offer while minimising the risk of Covid-19 transmission. This has involved the setting up of a Covid 19 team, and the writing of a Covid 19 plan, risk registers and risk assessments to identify Covid 19 secure environments.

It also means that your access to coached sessions might involve different arrangements and certainly more admin than we would like. SO PLEASE READ THE INSTRUCTIONS.

  • Meeting points may be different from normal (particularly at West Walk) so that the meeting arrangements can more easily satisfy the requirements for social distancing so please read the instructions which say where you should meet.

  • It’s a pain to have to book sessions and what should you do if you can’t make the session and have to cancel? The cancellation instructions are set out on the relevant Eagles webpage and have now been added to the information you get sent when you book. There is an option to cancel via Eventbrite if you have an account - if you don’t have an account (or aren’t sure), please email Please don’t offer your place at the session on Facebook as all attendees need to answer various questions before they attend the session.

  • In a club of over 800 members with a limited number of spaces on coach-led sessions, we want to give as many people as possible the chance to take part in a coach-led session. We are therefore offering the sessions in two week booking periods and members are asked to book only one session when the sessions are first advertised. If places are still available for any session a week after this first advertisement (as notified in your News from the Nest email), then members will be allowed to book a second session in the booking period to encourage all places to be taken. (If this all sounds confusing, please feel free to check arrangements by emailing Please don’t think that all the sessions look exciting and so book more than one session at the same time - this will simply result in you being sent to the back of the queue so that you only get a place if there are spaces left after the booking period has closed.

Don’t worry if there’s a problem - we all make mistakes (and the mistake may be in the original instructions for which apologies in advance). However, it will help your coaching co-ordinator and reduce the total amount of admin if you try, as far as possible, to read and follow instructions.

Spaces on sessions in previous booking period Mon 24 May to Sat 5 June

The following session had spaces at the time of writing and has been advertised more than once. Please feel free to book even if you have attended another session in the period Mon 24 May to Sat 5 June (current password for Eventbrite pages in News from the Nest)

Thu 3 Jun 7pm to 8pm West Walk - hills with Mike Limpert (deadline for booking Tue 1 Jun at 11.30pm)

Coach-led Sessions for the booking period Mon 7 to Thu 17 June

UPDATE We have now received approval to offer a pilot of Lammas Park Intervals on Tuesdays at 7.30pm. In addition, the Thursday sessions of West Walk are being moved to 7.30pm. As mentioned above, we are also allowing booking closer to the time of the session subject to availability.

To give as many people as possible the chance to take part in a coach-led session, we are offering the sessions in two week booking periods and members are asked to book only one session when the sessions are first advertised.

Mon 7 June 10am to 11am Lammas Park - intervals with Wei Hei Kipling (booking deadline 8am on the day)  

Tue 8 June PILOT 7.30pm to 8.30pm Lammas Park - intervals with Rachel Job (booking deadline 5pm on the day)

Thu 10 June 7.30pm to 8.30pm West Walk - hills with Rhiannon Williams (booking deadline 5pm on the day)

Mon 14 June 10am to 11am Lammas Park - intervals with Dineke Austin (booking deadline 8am on the day)

Tue 15 June PILOT 7.30pm to 8.30pm Lammas Park - intervals with Rachel Job (booking deadline 5pm on the day)

Thu 17 June 7.30pm to 8.30pm West Walk - hills with Mike Limpert (booking deadline 5pm on the day)

How we’re mitigating Covid-19 risks

The Eagles Coaches and the Committee have been working behind the scenes to see what we might be able to offer while minimising the risk of Covid-19 transmission. This has involved the setting up of a Covid 19 team, and the writing of a Covid 19 plan, risk registers and risk assessments to identify Covid 19 secure environments.

How you can safely participate

The demands of Covid-19 planning to allow us even to attempt to offer any training sessions together with the size of the club means that we will need to ask people:

  • To book a session in advance.

  • To supply your contact details for track and trace (and also in case a session needs to be cancelled or arrangements changed)

  • To answer a pre-activity health questionnaire included in the booking – and not to book or attend the session if you are not able to answer the questions positively

  • To note and follow arrangements set out by the Coach to enable social distancing during the session including overtaking lanes where offered.

  • To treat members of the public with courtesy which may include slowing down or even stopping in your training if a member of the public comes too close to the area being used for the Club session.

  • Not to socialise together before or after the session

More details of the questions, notes and disclaimers are set out in the appendix.

How to book a session

We are aiming to offer coach-led sessions on a regular basis, subject to the availability of coaches as well as changes in Government, London, Local Authority and England Athletics guidance, which can change at short notice. 

The sessions will be booked via Eventbrite - the link for each event is set out above. Tickets are limited and issued as one per booking. For sessions from 7 June, we hope to make the deadline for booking (subject to availability) to be closer to the day of the session and possibly even the start of the session (tbc).

To enable as many members as possible to attend a session, we will be offering the sessions in two week booking periods and members are asked to book only one session when the sessions are first advertised. If places are still available for any session a week after this first advertisement (as notified in your News from the Nest email), then members will be allowed to book a second session in the booking period to encourage all places to be taken. (If this all sounds confusing, please feel free to check arrangements by emailing

And finally, we ask that you do not go to a session meeting point if you have not been able to book a place. It will not be possible for you to join at the session. Your presence may mean that the session is not Covid 19 secure.

If you have any questions, please contact

How to cancel a session

If you do book a session but then decide that you are unable to attend, there are two preferred ways for you to cancel.

  • If you are able to cancel on Eventbrite yourself, that releases the space as soon as possible in case someone else can book it and will automatically inform the club that you have cancelled.

  • However, as that may require an Eventbrite account - the alternative is to email (messaging Wei Hei Kipling on facebook runs the risk of the message being overlooked and emailing adds an extra step in requiring the email to be forwarded to ).

Please don’t make a private arrangement with someone else or offer your place on Facebook as all attendees need to answer various questions before they attend the session.


During the booking, the pre-activity health questionnaire will ask you to state:

  • "I do not display any of the typical symptoms of active Covid-19 infection (fever, cough persisting more than 4 hours, loss of taste and smell, etc - pls check official guidance for details)"

  • "I have not tested positive for Covid-19 in the last 7 days"

  • "I have followed all social distancing guidelines set by the government or appropriate for my occupation for the last 7 days."

If this changes, please could you contact asap.If you can not meet the disclaimers above you should not book a session. 

In addition, the following disclaimers and notes will apply regarding the coached sessions offered by the Club – if you are not willing to accept these disclaimers and notes, please do not book a session.

  1. I agree that attending this session is done so at my own risk.

  2. I understand that the session may be cancelled at short notice if the Coach is unwell and no substitute Coach is available or if the risks at the time of the session are considered too great.

  3. I will arrive dressed to run.

  4. I will keep to a minimum what I bring to the session. I will make arrangements to look after my own valuables (keys, card, phone) and will not expect anyone else to look after them.

  5. I intend to follow all social distancing guidance with anyone who is not a part of my own household during the Club’s coached session – so no physical greeting, hi-fiving or supporting one another during stretches etc. 

  6. As well as following the social distancing guidelines between people, I will not touch with my hands anything belonging to anyone else (including any cones) and will not share drinks, snacks or hand sanitiser.

  7. I will note and follow arrangements set out by the Coach to enable social distancing during the session including overtaking lanes where offered.

  8. The session will be taking place in a public area and I will treat members of the public with courtesy which may include slowing down or even stopping in my training if a member of the public comes too close to the area being used for the Club session.

  9. If I show symptoms of Covid 19 within 48 hours of attending the session, I will inform the Coach / Coaching coordinator on
