Lisa Snell writes:
We are up to week 10 of training and now the miles and starting to step up. I have a 18 and 20 mile run to do. I was thinking I don't really want to do an 18-mile run this weekend coming so was debating about just running all week every day so I have built up miles and running on tired legs. Still debating as it's only Tuesday 7th March.
When I did my virtual London Marathon I had a training buddy from ESM doing her London Marathon lucky for me she said she will keep me company on my long runs as she does the Jeff Galway method too of run/walk. Let's hope she is up for part of the 20 miles.
For my 14 miles, I ran a few miles to Northala then did Parkrun then continued with my company along the canal for me to get to 14. I was really pleased with how I felt after. I run a nice hot bath with bath salts to soak after. I felt a bit achy later in the evening as friends saw when I went out for dinner and left the table. I was hobbling along like an 80-year-old who had been sitting down most of the day.
On the Monday I ran with an ex-eagle. We were going to do 5 miles but we both got held up and we started later than we wanted too so did 3 miles. Towards the end, my left arch was aching a little. We were running faster than usual so I wasn't sure if it was that.
Do you get worried by little aches? I do! I knew my calves were quite tight from the Saturday's run. I booked myself in for a massage. Boy, the massage hurt on Friday. She could feel my right achillies was a little short and stringy and the left arch was hurting due to a very tight hamstring.
The arch still isn't right but I managed to do 6 miles last night Monday 6th. The ache goes away after a little while when running.
For people that don't follow me on strava I do a lot of cross-training in the form of indoor cycle races through cadeSport and RGT. I do enjoy them so find it hard to give them up. When I did my virtual marathon my cross-training was wild and lake swimming. I haven't been swimming for a while due to shoulder issues but I think a dip in the lake is needed for my legs.
That's it from me. Thanks to all that read.