Week 6
This weekend was a busy one for me with trying to fit runs in. Saturday I was booked in for a massage at 8am and also had 3 miles to run. Thankfully my husband and the dog joined me at 6.30 as it was still dark. The weather was calm and warm. It did look like it had rained overnight though.
Saturday was a boozy affair visiting an ale place open day and then going to see a band in the evening.
Sunday, I had 12 miles to run. Storm Ciara was due and a lot of race events had been cancelled due to it. Getting my head together I left home at 9.30am to do 5 miles before meeting up with Jane Armstrong for another 5 miles together then to run home. I took a revives caffeine strip as I didn’t have a coffee, and thought it may perk me up a bit. I don’t usually run with a hangover so this was new to me. The first 5 miles seem to go well, I even saw a flock of Eagles running along the way. The wind was fine, just gusts every so often. Met Jane and continued building the miles. It was nice to have the company and Jane had me in fit of laughter which caused me to stop to gather myself. I took on board a gel around 7 miles but started flagging a little towards the 10 miles. After a drink, wee stop and another revvies, I continued towards home. From Jane’s to mine was around 3 miles which I didn’t need. For the first time, I was trying to think of a shorter way home. Mile 11 my knee starting hurting and I found it hard to run. I walked a little to ease it then continued on. 12 miles and I was done not too far from home and it had just started to rain. All in all I felt good. I could feel my arch and a little achillies pain.
Tuesday is interval day, this week 5 x 4 mins at 10k pace with 400m recovery.
I was feeling tired and really didn’t want to go. The wind was still strong at time. Off I went to the local park, I mile warm first. I didn’t seem like twinkle toes but more like a flat foot toad as I went running around. First 4 mins done and it wasn’t too bad. Just the gusts of wind to contend with and me sounding heavy going around.
Tuesday evening, I paid a visit to Chris Schafer who is a podiatrist. He made my orthotics after I suffered with very bad blisters when running. I wanted him to check on the pain I was suffering before the high training mileage kicked in. Since having the orthotics, I do not suffer with blisters at all. It was like a miracle. Chris changed my orthotics slightly so I will see how I get on now.
Thursday was 6 miles to do so instead of running I went walking with my friend and the pushchair. She is training for a walking race in town somewhere. She was too sure herself. We really build up a sweat and she said she should train with me more often.
Another storm was due…Dennis, for my Sunday run. I had 10 miles to do on Sunday and 3 on Saturday. I was meant to be doing 13 miles this week and 10 next but swopped round as running Wokingham HM. Once up and ready I went out on Saturday not knowing whether to run 3 or more. The weather was warm and damp with gusts every so often until I hit Northala Fields. I run up one of the hills which was really hard work, I was nearly running backwards. I managed to bang out the 10 miles and only just got caught in the rain a little way off home.
Sunday was a really miserable day, raining most of it but still managed a 2.5 mile walk with friends. Picture below of the broadwalk walk.
This week, week 7, I have been a bit pre occupied doing other things and not running. I managed to get my interval session done on Wednesday and not the Tuesday. Haven’t done my Thursday distance but got out on Friday night and got my 7 miles done. The 7 miles actually first good. The first 2 flew by, then it was thinking of a route to make up 7 miles as when I left the house I didn’t know if I was doing 3, 5 or the planned 7 miles.
Sunday is Wokingham Half marathon, a club champs race. I managed to pick up a place from an Eagle that couldn’t run. In some ways I am quite looking forward to running it as I haven’t done a race for a while. Just hope the weather isn’t blowing a gale or slashing it down. It will be a practise on fuelling and pacing. Brought a bum bag off ebay…I never learn as its not quite the size I thought it was to carry fuel and mobile phone on the big day. I will give it a go and see how I get on.
Anyway Eagles….have a great weekend