TCS London Marathon on Sunday 2 October 2022

Advice from the organisers

Ealing Eagles was originally allocated three club places for the 2022 London Marathon on Sunday 2 October. While the 2021 event was amazing, a record number of places were not used and rolled over to 2022. This, together with the number of places allocated to 2022 from the cancelled 2020 event, means the organisers have had to take steps to reduce the number of entries for the 2022 TCS London Marathon so the new maximum capacity of 50,000 finishers is not exceeded. Clubs have therefore now been allocated only one place in the 2022 event, unless any club ballot winners had deferred their place to the 2022 event in which case no places would be allocated, which is the case for us. 

Club Ballot

Because of the reduced club activity in 2021-22, the Committee had already decided that club members could apply to be in our club ballot without needing to accumulate points in the way that has been required for previous years. Unfortunately, we did not appreciate the situation about the reduction of club places until after our own club ballot had taken place. 

We therefore contacted our three 2022 club ballot winners Michael Clayton, Caroline Crehan and Luke Goodman with possible options including a club-assisted charity place for 2022.

Michael and Luke have not taken up the option of a club-assisted charity place for 2022 and so will have entry to the club ballot for the TCS London 2023 Marathon without the need to meet the required level of volunteer points. All other requirements still apply (like applying and be rejected in the public ballot, remain a member of Ealing Eagles etc).

Caroline Crehan

Caroline has decided that she would like to run the marathon in 2022 and so the club has assisted her to find a charity place with Meningitis Now. As Caroline's charity place is through the club, we will be supporting her in her fundraising endeavours - for example, she will be the exception to the rule that fundraising posts by individuals are not allowed in the club facebook group.

Caroline will be starting her blog in due course and has just set up a fundraising page - any early donations would be hugely appreciated to get the ball rolling!